5G California Hack the Mall with Start North
Meet Joel Saarinen, a Finnish student and part of Start North’s community member in Los Angeles shares the idea about the 5G California Hack the Mall. Sign up for the LA or San Francisco workshop here
5G Hack the Mall Los Angeles with Start North
Meet Joel Saarinen Californian based Start North member, studying in Los Angeles, asking you What could 5G bring to your shopping experience?Curious students and Interested professionals are welcome to the workshop on how 5G can deliver better experiences at shopping malls and public spaces – playgrounds, with meaning and purpose for youngsters. #hackthemall #startnorth #nordicimpactweek The Hack the Mall learning concept is a result of the success with Start North's summer course that took place at Aalto University campus center A Bloc in Otaniemi Finland earlier this years. Now it is time for California! Thank you all involved supporting partners #nokia #EY #aaltouniversity #oneplus #vtt #ericsson #ouluuniversity #helsinkiuniversity #htcvive #XAMK #abloc #otaniemi Please register for the event at Eventbrite!https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/hack-the-mall-workshop-tickets-75882712235?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Publicerat av Nordic Impact Week Torsdag 10 oktober 2019